
Every day matters

Attending school every day is extremely important for your child’s wellbeing and progress.  Children who regularly miss school can become isolated from friendship groups and may fall behind academically. 


If you child is unable to attend school you must call the school office on 0208 985 4259 before 8.45am.  We will always ask you for the reason why your child is unable to be at school.  If your child is unable to attend school for medical reasons it is particularly important that we know the reason why.  In certain circumstances (for example chicken pox or measles) we must inform other parents and staff. 


If your child has a reason for not attending school on a regular basis or for a prolonged period of time (for example they are receiving medical treatment) we will work with you to create a plan to ensure that they are given appropriate support and do not miss out on learning.


Term Time Holidays

We do not authorise any absence during term times for holidays, even in cases where children have families overseas.  Unauthorised absence during term time will incur a fine from the Hackney Learning Trust and could lead to a court summons. 


Supporting Good Attendance

If you are finding it difficult for your child to attend school regularly, please speak to Emel Ibrahim in the main office.  We have many ways to support with attendance and we are always open to having a conversation about any difficulties you may be facing in getting your child to school every day.