Our uniform

At Nightingale we believe that school uniform should be both smart and comfortable.   Our uniform consists of grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress which can be bought from any standard uniform supplier.  Children in nursery and reception may also choose to wear plain grey tracksuit bottoms with an elasticated waist.   Tights should be grey or dark blue and socks may be grey, black or white.  We have a white polo shirt and dark blue sweatshirt embroidered with the Nightingale School logo that can be purchased from the Trutex shop on Broadway Market, though pupils may also wear a plain un-branded polo shirt .  Footwear must be plain black school shoes or plain black trainers.  We sell a Nightingale book bag or rucksack though your child may choose to bring a different bag for carrying their home reading book, homework book and important letters.  


PE Uniform

For PE children may wear plain navy blue jogging bottoms or leggings and a plain white t-shirt.  They may also choose to wear the Nightingale branded PE uniform consisting of matching shorts and t-shirt in bue and gold. Children must bring appropriate trainers or plimsolls for PE.  One day of each week your child should wear their PE uniform to school instead of their regular uniform.  You will be informed each term of your child's PE day.  On this day they can wear their school jumper over their chosen PE uniform.  


Labelling and Lost Property

Please ensure that your child’s name is clearly visible on all items of their uniform. Lost property without name labels will be kept for two weeks only in containers accessed via the main office.  After this time it will be sent to a charity shop, or re-cycled into our second hand uniform sales.  Fabric pens are available at the office for you to label your child's clothes.  

The school's full uniform policy can be found below.