Early Years (Nursery and Reception)

First Steps in Learning – Early Years at Nightingale (Nursery and Reception)

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) at Nightingale offers a warm and welcoming environment led by experienced staff who quickly get to know the children in their care and make them feel at home right from the first day.

Outdoor play areas include water play (we have a stream running through the playground!), a sandpit and a nature kitchen. Most children love role play and dressing up and we have a stage and a playhouse to facilitate this. Messy and creative play is on offer every day. Children are also inspired to develop their imagination through art and crafts.

Inside, the bright classrooms welcome the youngest children and include areas where they can play and learn together or relax with a quieter activity. 

The curriculum in EYFS covers themes such as 'Marvellous Me’ and 'Widlife' in Nursery and 'Me and my family' and 'Where we live' in Reception.  Wherever possible, learning is based on stories and books and we share them with children throughout the day. 

Children begin to learn to read and write in small groups through the Read Write Inc. programme. Literacy through Pathway to Write develops communication and language through key text while developing mark making and writing. Mathematics Mastery also begins in the Reception year with children given access to tactile resources as they begin to learn numbers and how to count effectively. 

Our skilled teachers make learning really fun and respond to the needs and interests of the children as they move through the topics. Children are also encouraged to be respectful and kind to their classmates and through this a sense of belonging is developed. 

By the end of the Reception year, Nightingale children are confident communicators and independent learners.  They have mastered the vital skills of taking turns, sharing and listening to others. They are ready for the move to Year One.